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SEARCHING | Ascaso Gallery | Miami
SEARCHING | Ascaso Gallery | Miami
SEARCHING | Ascaso Gallery
SEARCHING | Ascaso Gallery
Customized by CORREA 100% made by VANS
Customized by CORREA 100% made by VANS
VIRTUAL OVERLOOK | 2007 - 2011
Waterfall Fragment in Red, 2016
48 x 24 inches Wood and acrylic
Waterfall Fragment in Blue, 2016
48 x 24 inches Wood and acrylic
Waterfallfragment in Yellow, 2016
48 x 24 inches Wood and acrylic
Waterffal Fragment in Midnight Black, 2016
48 x 24 inches Wood and acrylic
Waterfall Fragment in Orange, 2016
48 x 24 inches Wood and acrylic
Waterfall Fragment in Blue Petroleum, 2016
48 x 24 inches Wood and acrylic
La Silla de Miraflores, 2014
(Side view) 19.6 x 19.6 x 39.3 inches Wood, acrylic and found objects
La Silla de Miraflores, 2014
(Front view) 19.6 x 19.6 x 39.3 inches Wood, acrylic and found objects
Sin Titulo, 2003
(Front view) 19.6 x 19.6 x 39.3 inches Acrylic on wood
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